NONOBULU YOUTH DEVELOPMENT is a Non-profit organization focused on giving vulnerable, abused, marginalized,
displaced and disabled (street) women and children a voice in the
society. We work with victims of child and gender based violence,
giving health care including physical and mental health services,
phsycho-social support, legal support and absolute care . As we
work, we have also encountered minors who are victims of
trafficking and have also been included as part of our target group.-
We believe that an empowered woman can deliver a nation.
To be a conduit through which God’s extravagant love, excellent care and help is expressed and demonstrated to humanity.
Touching lives, transforming and empowering them towards making life worth living and the world becoming a better place.
We have a passion to address societal challenges that inhibit the allround wellness of the family and at the core of these challenges are
issues affecting women and in effect the upbringing of children who
embody the future of every family. Our intervention in vulnerable
female groups has seen us delve deep into the following program
• Females Who Sell Sex (FWSS)
• Widows / Single Mothers Support/Wives of prisoners
• Abused children
• Disabled and Displaced women and children
• Street children (hawkers & homeless)
• Orphans and vulnerable children(including children born in
- God gave His only begotten son, and His only begotten son, yielded His only begotten life to salvage humanity meaning that nothing should be regarded as more important than the lives of men not to be scarified for the betterment of humanity.
- He who gives to the poor lends unto God (THE HOLY BOOK)
- You can get anything in life, if you can/will help enough other people get what they want (ZIG ZIGLAR)
- The happiest people are those who have invested themselves, their time, and resources into others (JOHN MAXWELL)